Monday, September 24, 2018

New videos and new microphone

Hello everyone.  As you've probably noticed, I've taken a slight hiatus from the channel recently.  This is predominately due to me chasing trophies on PS4 and my microphone acting up making both livestreaming and dubbing very difficult.  However, like usual, I haven't abandoned the channel and recently, I've been working on several projects that will likely be released in the coming months.  The most immediate of which is Dragon Warrior 2, the super difficult sequel to the original and one I've been working off and on for a couple years.  I've finished about 75% of the walkthrough and the video should be released within the next two weeks.  In the time I've been away, I've also recorded parts of OoT, OoT 3D, Phoenix Wright, DKC2 and several other games but didn't finish either editing or recording them so there's definitely a lot going on behind the scenes that I can hopefully finish up and release soon.

In much more exciting news though, I managed to pick up a brand new microphone: a blue yeti.  I've come a long way from recording with a knockoff 3rd party Xbox 360 microphone, ha ha!  This one will definitely help with a lot of recording and livestreams as I can finally set it up to record a group (likely DoubleD, my wife and I) or do a halfway decent narration for once.  Because of this, I'll likely be going back and dubbing a lot of walkthroughs and resuming my commentary versions.  However, this time it will definitely be a lot better quality and without the amateur nature of my previous efforts.

I'm also experimenting behind the scenes with doing new types of content, namely reviews (which I have tons of on GameFAQs that I could restructure for Youtube) and podcast like episodes, probably with DoubleD or my wife.  These podcast like episodes would probably be minature commentary about various practices in the gaming industry or discussing deeper philosophical questions (another passion of mine that isn't well known).

Hopefully I'll have you guys along for the ride.

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