Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Super Mario Sunshine & Channel Status

So I'm playing through Super Mario Sunshine at the moment, which is the next Mario game in the main series I have yet to cover (the others being the Galaxy games, 3D Land/World and Odyssey, as well as the four NSMB games) and I'm really enjoying it.  Despite the annoyance of the blue coins and some of the FLUDD-less challenges, I forgot how much I enjoyed this title.  It's also great to be using my capture card again, as I've only really recorded two walkthroughs using it.  I'm currently about halfway through the game (I'm recording separate videos for each blue coin/shine and will edit them together into course videos later) but I'll likely wrap this up in the next couple of weeks.  I would love to get this done before the 4th but that's a major pipe dream and I'm eager to revisit Galaxy next.

During my time revisiting Sunshine, I've realized just how hard some of it can really be.  You really do get used to FLUDD being there to correct any platforming mistakes you make and when you have to do pure platforming levels, it can be be quite challenging at times.  I am truly having a blast replaying this game though and I hope the video walkthrough will help people get through the game.  By far though, finding all the blue coins is quite the challenge and honestly, there are times when getting the 30 coins in a course takes longer than getting all 11 shines combined (though several stages are ridiculously short on coins for the 100 coins shine, I'm looking at you Gelato Beach).  Still, it's a truly underrated game in the series.

I also have several video walkthroughs waiting to be edited together and uploaded.  King's Quest was a game I'd done hundreds of runs for but screwed them up each time and I finally uploaded a video I was happy with recently.  I am currently doing the same thing for Leisure Suit Larry, which I've finished two separate runs for and will edit into a video.  I've also still got the Resident Evil Remake video walkthrough I did back in April that's very nearly completely edited but I have to actually get it done.  And of course, I've finished Final Fantasy Adventure almost five years ago and I've yet to edit it down.  So look forward to those walkthroughs soon.

I really hope to have SMS online soon and get the Galaxy games done too.  Stay tuned to the channel!

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