What happened to the channel and why have there been no new videos since March? Short answer: my computer. My computer was going on 8 years old this year and when I would try to record things, it would lag and freeze. This was a huge reason my Resident Evil marathon was exclusive to Mixer at the time because my computer would freeze every time I tried to stream. It was especially bad trying to edit the videos, as the editor would crash after just a couple edits or moves. I managed to somehow get Super Mario Galaxy to record, probably due to the settings being at 480p but even then it would still lag horribly at times, forcing me to rerecord videos. I finished recording it in June and my full intention was to get it out by August, however, my video editor actively worked against me, freezing every time I tried to render or edit a video and corrupting a ton of videos as it attempted to render my videos.
Unfortunately, this came to a head a week or two ago when my computer started clicking when I was operating it. The hard drive was going out and all my stuff was in danger of being lost (20+ years of stories and pictures, several raw walkthroughs that needed to be recorded, etc). Thankfully, due to my Youtube channel, I have a 5TB external hard drive so I threw everything I could on that and went computer shopping.
I managed to pick up a beast of a computer too. It's been a long time since I could run computer games without lagging and now I'm running a lot of them at ultra 120fps. That means I can finally record PC walkthroughs again, something I haven't done since Scribblenauts (in 2014).
Of course, transferring everything over, my videos wouldn't edit in either of my video editors that I used. I tried reinstalling codecs and various other things but the only viable solution was to either get a new editor or convert 250+ videos to another format. Thankfully, I found OpenShot editor and I'm enjoying it a lot. It's been working fabulously for my editing and I've been very productive with it. In the last week, I've managed to edit together most of my Super Mario Galaxy walkthrough and it should be ready in the next week or two (I still have to make custom thumbnails and grab the timestamps for everything). In fact, just a progress update on editing:
MARIO: 100% done and edited
LUIGI: Currently editing Kitchen Dome galaxies.
My intention at this time is to finally edit several walkthroughs I have finished after I finish Super Mario Galaxy (it's kind of a monster walkthrough with nearly 70 videos, each roughly 15-45 minutes long). I have Leisure Suit Larry fully recorded, as well as Final Fantasy Adventure and Resident Evil 1 with Jill (still need to record Chris's walkthrough), as well as Lion King SNES, DKC2, Spyro GBA and Phoenix Wright. I plan to also record Super Mario Galaxy 2 soon and possibly other ones like Portal or Yakuza.
I am truly sorry for my hardware issues stunting the growth of my channel but I hope you look forward to the projects that are coming out soon.
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